ARPwave’s premier therapy device, and is revered within elite athletic communities.
Integrates our revolutionary waveform into a portable, handheld device,
offering convenient pain reduction with just the push of a button.
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All patients, including but not limited to elite, amateur, and professional athletes, can now benefit from doing Neuro-Therapy to speed up recovery from all injuries and surgery.
ARPwave Neuro-Therapy is the missing link to injury recovery. The protocols were designed to allow the body to adjust from a sympathetic dominant (Fight or Flight) state to a parasympathetic dominant (Rest and Recovery) state; when the body is in a sympathetic dominant state, most healing functions are shut down. The body’s stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol trigger, and the body’s energy is diverted from healing, building tissue, and eliminating waste, to just protecting. By figuring out how to achieve this change, ARPwave created Neuro-Therapy and is now able to break the neurological compensation pattern the body is stuck in. Neuro-Therapy has been shown to eliminate pain and proves eliminating disuse atrophy is possible. All patients, including but not limited to elite, amateur, and professional athletes, can now benefit from doing Neuro-Therapy to speed up recovery from all injuries and surgery.
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ARPwave Therapy Systems have been used by over 500,000 patients, including thousands of professional athletes. ARPwave Neuromuscular Therapy Protocols can be used to work with many different ailments and conditions either within a medical professional’s office or from the comfort of your own home.
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